The Congratulations, You Passed! business card design was inspired by the publication’s book cover. By implementing the blue and yellow color scheme from the cover into the business cards, we were able to create an association between the book and author. We also matched the book cover’s silhouettes on the back of the business cards, which convey the excitement and success the book aims to help readers achieve. As a result, the Congratulations, You Passed! business card design captures the publication’s themes of motivation and enthusiasm in a colorful yet simplistic design.
The Congratulations, You Passed! business card design is made to encourage potential readers to contact the author, learn more about the book, and express encouragement for students who are preparing to take a test in the future. The combination of vibrant colors and excitable imagery accomplishes this goal.
Congratulations, You Passed! is a book written by Betty Mckenzie Moore that provides readers with essential tips and test taking techniques that engages both left and right brain activity. This book is geared toward helping readers pass any test no matter the subject. Moore partnered with Doohickey to design a set of business cards. The Congratulations, You Passed! business card design was accompanied by a website design.