Business cards can communicate more than just contact information. They’re also able to capture a company’s brand personality in a crisp yet creative design. For the Eco Friendly Furniture business card design, Doohickey’s goal was to combine the company’s mission using visual components alongside their employee’s contact information. The resulting business cards feature the company logo and color scheme, which were also developed by Doohickey. We considered the company’s mission to preserve nature while providing customers with comfortable furnishings while designing these business cards. The back of the cards features a brief but effective line to capture that mission. As a result, potential customers understand they’re buying more than just furniture. They’re also preserving nature, one lawn chair at a time.
Eco Friendly Furniture preserves the earth’s environment by providing their customers with the option to purchase from their collection of outdoor furniture. Their furnishings are made from recycled plastic and surgical stainless steel grade hardware. As a result, they can survive against rust, insects, and stormy weather.
In addition to the Eco Friendly Furniture brochure design, Doohickey also created the company’s logo and brochures.