Great American Communities is a company dedicated to providing quality senior living to veterans for free. The Great American Communities Website Design uses a professional layout for everything users need to know about free veteran senior living.
This website uses a single page layout with sections describing how Great American can help veterans. They care deeply for seniors who have served during war time and are dedicated to showing great care. Each section is organized by using different styles of backgrounds and content. Photography is used sparingly for bolder, impactful sections such as the top header when visitors first load the page. Other sections contrast with each other using subtle changes in grays, solid brand colors, and abstract backgrounds
To make all sections fit within the size of desktop screens, two column layouts are used on most of the site to keep all information and content compact. This makes it convenient for users to jump between sections and find exactly what they need. The Great American Communities Website Design demonstrates the effectiveness of single page designs while also showing Great American’s mission to honor those that have served our country.
Learn more about Great American Communities on their official website. We’ve also worked on website designs such as Inspired Living and Colonial Assisted Living.