Inspirations at Town Center Flag Design Jacksonville Florida

Inspirations at Town Center Flag Design

Inspirations at Town Center is a luxury independent living community created by Inspired Living. The Inspirations at Town Center Flag Design creates a large scale, high quality banner with photography and type hierarchy.

The tall vertical format for this piece of collateral takes advantage of bold typefaces and segmented layouts. The majority of both sides use the brand’s solid blue with varied font weights. This contrast in boldness lets both headings snap to the same width and stack perfectly on top of each other. As a secondary section, we’ve included featured images of the living community that show the picturesque building residents will live in. The side featured on the left divides its three sections in a unique way uses curved arcs. These motif is present in a lot of Inspired Living marketing and uses the secondary bronze color to keep with the brand’s aesthetic. It also uses the a dark grey at the top to make the logo stand out. The Inspirations at Town Center Flag Design succeeds in making an impact on the viewer in a large scale format.

We have also worked with Inspirations at Town Center to create the Inspirations at Town Center Trailer Banner Design, the Inspired Living Thrive Poster Design, and the Inspirations at Town Center Trifold Design.

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