If you have a website or are thinking about getting one, you may have wondered why responsive website design matters. Responsive website design is the idea of designing and developing a website that responds to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform, and orientation. Responsive website design is particularly important today because websites are viewed on mobile devices and smartphones more so than desktop computers. In the past, you could get away with having a website that looked good and functioned well on a desktop computer but didn’t load well or look good on a mobile device – not anymore.
What is a Responsive Website Design?
The main thing to think about when it comes to responsive website design for your business is how it will translate when a customer or potential customer views your website on a mobile device. Your website should automatically switch to accommodate for the new resolution, image sizes, text, margins, order of display, and navigation. It’s all about keeping the user experience consistent across all viewing platforms. Responsive website design eliminates the need for a different design and development for every new gadget that emerges on the market.
Responsive Website Design is More Affordable
In the past, and still today, to some degree, businesses designed two websites – one for desktops and another (or multiple ones) for mobile devices. As a result, the cost associated with design, development, testing, SEO, and maintenance was double or more. This really ate into the return on investment for businesses’ digital marketing budgets. With responsive design, you eliminate all the extra costs and just pay once.
Responsive Website Design Makes it Easier for Customers to Find You
A website that is living on two platforms requires two different URLs and HTML codes. As a result, each website becomes harder to find in web searches. And because content isn’t formatted for multiple devices, something shared from one device isn’t always readable on another. When you only create one URL on a responsive design platform, Google and other search engines have an easier time crawling it, which helps it rank higher in both desktop and mobile searches.
Updates and Re-designs are Faster
Sooner or later, you’ll need to change your site. It could be just a typical site update to make room for more content, or it could be a major re-design. Whatever the case, responsive design allows you to make these changes one time and ensures any updates or redesigns are immediately accessible from any device.
Better Conversion Rates
Multiple websites for your business can lead to inconsistencies and a bad user experience. When your website works properly on any device, it creates a seamless user experience. Visitors spend more time on your site, you get more traffic, and according to a study from eConsultancy – you get a 400 percent increase in conversions.
Ready for a Responsive Website for Your Business? We can help, contact Doohickey today!