A multi-faceted marketing campaign improves a company’s brand recognition by developing a strong marketing strategy for the company. Recognizing the best methods to communicate to your target audience can make all the difference. That includes content as well as the messaging platform. This strategy can utilize new marketing materials such websites, business cards, and banners. For the Beazer Homes campaign, Doohickey designed an array of signs, flyers, postcards, and ads to reach their potential customers.
Beazer Homes is one of the largest homebuilders in the country with communities in over 13 different states. Beazer prides themselves on building the most energy efficient homes, making it easy for their buyers to shop for a mortgage and choose a custom plan. Throughout their marketing campaign, Doohickey used bright colors and compelling headlines to associate Beazer with excitement for finding a new home. By drawing on this excitement, the Beazer campaign materials conveyed a positive tone to attract potential customers. We’ve also worked on the Beazer Homes Flyer and Campaign.