Doohickey created this custom bestbet holiday card design to be sent out to bestbet clients just in time for the festive season.
When considering what elements to include in this holiday card, we imagined the unique experiences that bestbet has to offer. As a member of the entertainment industry, bestbet stands out. We wanted to capture that novelty in our design. To showcase bestbet as a whole, we included a visual from each of their services.
This holiday card features two greyhounds inside a snow globe as the central image. We then added poker chips and playing cards as accents to further illustrate the bestbet gaming environment. The snowglobe is placed on one of bestbet’s poker tables to also encourage this sentiment. We then used a backdrop with sparkling lights and added a glow to the “Happy Holidays” text to reflect a winter atmosphere.
This holiday card exudes the warm feeling of the holidays while still focusing on the exclusive experiences bestbet offers.
In addition to bestbet’s holiday cards, Doohickey also designed their website and poker show logo.