Business cards a crucial marketing material. Capable of developing a lasting impression with clients, they capture a company’s brand through small designs that make a big impact. For the Apogee Technology Partners business card design, Doohickey sought to embody the feeling of a modern, cutting-edge technology firm within the design.
Apogee Technology Partners is a technology consulting firm focused on the emergency management and healthcare markets. In addition to designing these business cards, Doohickey also created a new logo for Apogee Technology Partners. As a cutting-edge technology firm, we knew their logo needed to be both striking and modern. Placing their logo at the forefront of the business cards carried that brand into the new design. Finally, we implemented the company’s color scheme, choosing one color for each side of the card. As a result, the cards have a crisp, eye-catching appearance, capable of marketing the company to new customers.
We’ve also made business card designs for Top of the Line Plumbing and myQRad.