With a company in the information technology industry, it’s important to remain up-to-date with the times. This allows IT companies to show customers they represent an innovative industry, and that their products or services remain time-relevant as well. For the Bid Desk Analytics website design, we aimed to create a website that reflected the company’s industry and product within an analytics-inspired design.
The website also features custom-made videos we produced as part of the Bid Desk website design. These videos allowed us to give potential customers a walk-through of the product while simultaneously keeping them engaged. The product videos also spark interest and encourage potential customers to contact Bid Desk for more information, creating a lead-generation opportunity as well.
Bid Desk Analytics provides manufacturers with the tools to analyze government and school contract bids to help clients gain a competitive advantage. Their Smart Data helps clients study the buying process and win contracts for a more profitable and productive future. With Bid Desk Analytics, clients can bid smarter and win more contracts.
In addition to the Bid Desk Analytics website design, Doohickey also created the company logo as part of their rebranding initiative. We’ve also worked on videos for Bid Desk Analytics such as the Bid Desk Analytics Project Team Video and the Bid Desk Analytics Data Platform Video.
Website: biddesk.com